NCII is partnering with the Institute for Evidence-Based Change (IEBC) to scale its Caring Campus approach to all five institutions in the Alamo College District (TX) and ensure new student retention through a critical point — the first two weeks of each student’s first term. NCII will support the colleges in integrating guided pathways, student financial stability, and career connections strategies throughout this redesign effort.
Awarded every two years, the $1 million Aspen Prize for Community College Excellence is the nation’s signature recognition for America’s community colleges. NCII serves as a key advisor for the Aspen Prize and supports multiple aspects of the Prize process.
Institute #3 for the Rural Guided Pathways Project, held in Birmingham, AL, focused on the role of the institution and community stakeholders. The 16 colleges, along with their community partners and coaches, discussed ways to expand the college-going mindset in their communities. They also explored innovative models for connecting students to programs of study through dual enrollment and other high school partnerships. In addition, colleges received, evaluated, and began discussing their college’s labor market data. Learn more.
NCII will facilitate replication of Ohio’s innovative Leadership Academy for Student Success in Michigan, New York, and Texas. Designed to enhance the leadership capacity of mid-level college practitioners, NCII is carrying out this three-year initiative in partnership with the Aspen Institute College Excellence Program and the Success Center for Ohio’s Community Colleges. Learn more.